Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Few More Tidbits, by Hilary

These are young desert oak trees.  They grow in the shape of real  deciduous oaks, but have 10 inch pine-type needles hanging where leaves should be.  We passed by many groups of these on our roadtrip.  They have a fun Dr. Seuss-ish look to them!  (Mt. Conner in the background)

Termite hills can be seen all over the desert.  Looks like remedial sandcastle contests!

Jones at Uluru
Beaux looking into a cave at Uluru

Jax at Uluru

Jones drawing in the red sand

Beaux's sand sketch of Uluru (it's there...)

This is the map of the walks at Kata Tjuta (The Olgas).  We did the Karingana Lookout walk, which took about 3.5 hours.  The level is Difficult, but we were all able to finish with no problems except fatigue and sore feet.  Definitely recommend this walk!

Here we are starting up the Rim Walk at Watarrka (King's Canyon)...First Kilometer is the hardest!  Straight up.

Sunshine magic shining through...The is part of the Rim Walk at King's Canyon.  There are a few dangerous sections and there really aren't rails to keep people from falling over the edges, but God was with us and kept all safe.

Beaux standing in a bit of a gap, setting up her perfect camera shot!

Jax walking up the layered rock

Drink Break

Boys at the top of some truly perilous stairs!!  It was a case of the staircase being so steep that there was not room for your whole foot on each plank...I went first to hold back my impetuous ones and catch any bodies rolling down.  

Jones laughing and hiding from Papa in the playground tire at King's Canyon Station
Jax in the tire at the playground.  "Hi Papa!"

Close-up of one of the wild emu we saw on the drive home from King's Canyon

Another close-up of a wild emu

Jax posing by a "J" tree on the King's Canyon Creek Walk

Jones happy to have a rice krispy treat break at King's Canyon!

Beaux's lovely krispy treat...under the fly net, you'll notice!
Jax enjoying his snack...We had fun exploring the creek bed and jumping over lots of rocks in this area.  Beaux noticed some strange purple ants running crazily over a section of rock...We stayed away from them.

Mama and Jax heading back from King's Canyon Creek Walk

Dirt track heading toward home after a great week camping out bush in Australia.  

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